This week I went to France Visa Centre 法国签证中心, aka VFS in Shanghai twice to get my visa to France. Well, the search results of VFS are almost showing the location in Beijing. You can find VFS' address in Shanghai, which is 21st floor, Plaza 336, 336 Xizang Zhonglu, Shanghai 200040, but I rarely see the website in search results. So this may help you if you plan to go to France someday. VFS Shanghai and VFS Beijing Making an appointment online is pretty easy and quick. For VFS Shanghai, you just need to provide your passport number and then choose a date that is convenient for you. It seems VFS Beijing needs to register firstly and then log in to make an appointment, which is a bit of hassle. 特别提醒,自2008年5月2日起,法国驻沪总领事馆不再直接接受签证递交材料的程序,由新的法国签证中心来完成,法国签证中心负责给类签证预约及公众咨询。其中心网站为,地址:上海市西藏中路336号,华旭国际广场21楼。 I guess the differences between French Consulate and VFS are the people. I only saw one French in VFS, all other staff are Chinese, young female Chinese! Looks...